Friday, October 8, 2010

Updates 10/6/10

I tried to post this earlier in the week, but it didn't work so I sent it as an email. Here is the post:


-What happened yesterday?
-an updated parent classroom help schedule
-field trip info
-exciting Room 204 happenings

1) What happened yesterday?

The school has sent out a communication by phone, email and on paper (the paper version for our class will most likely go home tomorrow) with the following information:

"Good Evening Cragmont Families,

I am calling to inform you about an incident that happened at school
today. About 1:30 a teacher reported that a student had a device that he
called a bomb. I immediately followed district safety protocols and
evacuated the premises we called the Berkeley Police Department who
arrived at the school to inspect the device. They followed their
standard protocol which included destroying the device. After detonating
it, the police reported that there was no evidence of explosive
materials. I want to assure you that the entire school community did an
excellent job of quickly following safety procedures. It is important to
remember that at the end of the day there was no actual threat and the
children were not in any danger.

Thank you for listening and I will see you on campus!

Good Night"

Please do not hesitate to email, call, or speak to me with any questions or concerns regarding this incident. Our class (and the rest of the school) was amazing! They were quiet, orderly, and patient. Homework was excused because most children were not able to retrieve their backpacks from school.

2) Parent helper schedule

Thank you so much to those parents who have been able to help in our class! Below is a schedule of times when we need parent help. All of the listed times are times when parents are welcome to help in the classroom, so please email me if you are free during one of these times. Some of these times are new. I have included the names of people who are currently coming on a regular basis. I have put a star (*) next to times when parent helpers are especially needed.

Monday 11-12* (Reading centers) Ellen; 1:15-2:30* (Math and Reading Centers) Ellen
Tuesday: 1:30-2:30 (Math/ Writing) Lauren; (Vanavia checks homework in the a.m.)
Wednesday Cecilia checks homework in the a.m.
Thursday: 11-12* (Math/ Writing); 1:15-2:15 (Science) Jeff; (Cieline checks homework in the a.m.)
Friday: 11-12 (Math/ finish up time) Ellen; 1:45-2:30 (Centers) Ellen, Debra

Please view the updated weekly class schedule here.

3) Field trips

Thank you for turning in $15 for our December Lawrence Hall of Science field trip! I am collecting money now because I paid the fee up front to reserve a workshop on Slime!

I am in the planning stages for a field trip to Cordonices Park and the Berkely Rose Garden some time in November (hope for continued unseasonal warmth). Details to come.

4) Exciting happenings

Marble Party tomorrow! Your students earned a Marble Party because of their outstanding behavior! We will be watching a movie and having treats starting at about 2 p.m. Families are welcome, but not in any way obligated to come. :)

Music and Stories with Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. My parents visit our class on Wednesdays. After lunch, my mom reads a story or my dad plays his guitar and sings with the kids. Some popular requests are "Jingle Bells", "The Spooky Song", and "Old MacDonald". Ask your student to sing "The Spooky Song"!

Very hopefully coming soon: the San Francisco Zoo Mobile is tentatively coming to the first grades next Thursday, 10/14.. More details very soon!

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